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Social media is the new wave for marketing in the digital age. Today, there are plenty of social media websites which are popular around the world like Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Youtube, and Google plus to name a few. To add to that there are numerous mobile applications used by people. All these are the new age digital platforms for advertising. The basic principle is that if there are social media it is made up of people who are the target audience of many companies.

BizExcel Solution being a Social Media Marketing agency in Mumbai can help you identify your target audience among the multiple social media sites and effective market through optimal and cost-effective online advertising modes to derive the best return on investments.

Strategy management of social media marketing programs:

The objective of our social media programs is to tap into the direct one to one conversational mode between organizations and their potential customers. We design our social media marketing strategy in a way that will help to show what customers are talking about the company in social media. We will design a strategy on how you should interact with your customers and potential customers that will help to improve brand awareness and ultimately lead to more business.

Our team will help to in building a positive image of the company in the minds of the customers. We will design peer-driven referral programs which will help to expand the customer base by selective online promotional programs. Social media is all about talking in society and customers are sharing what they love and like. Other customers see this and get influenced to try the product. This is the power of social media marketing that our experts can harness.

We create actively engaging social content:

We set out a roadmap for social media marketing services. We have our expert team that will help in increasing followers for your social pages on social network sites. We devise ways to help increase and follow up to turn social business leads into confirmed customers.

Our Social Marketing techniques include:

Planning & Implementation for social media:

We develop a go to market plan selecting optimal social media channels which can be a combination of websites and mobile applications as an example

Developing a social media strategy:

Here we develop a strategy involving developing the best options to invest and what should be done where to get the best return on investments including impact assessment.

Social media content optimization and development:

Content will be optimized to get more leads and help search engines detect the content so it can be ranked up higher in social media search pages. Not only just content, but we as a social media marketing firm also create a unique one.

Measurement of social media impacts:

We measure the number of page views that social media advertisements have generated. We check effectiveness through conversion and click through analysis.

Promotional Partnership development:

We can help partner with organizations that can help promote the company on social media. Besides that we provide directions for social campaigns on LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, & Twitter Advertising.